This is How You can Control YOU.

Prasangi Kapuduwa
3 min readApr 9, 2022

The most dangerous outcome is losing control of your own life which can lead to self-harm.

If you can control your body, mind, emotions, and energy, you can achieve a certain level of well-being. I recommend that you choose one and take control of it; the other three will be easy to manage.

Why should I control my body, mind, emotions and energy ?

When you break your heart, you become emotionally paralyzed first. Then you began to feel physically unbalanced. Your daily routines are halted due to emotional imbalance. You are not aware of the time of day or night. You develop blindness. You and I are squandering our time as a result of an emotional imbalance. Some people in this world end their own lives as a result of their own emotions.

The misery continues indefinitely. Just think for a moment, you’ve been through a lot in the past. You are now suffering in the present while reflecting that past. Again, you are afflicted by the prospect of the future while dwelling on your past and present. This is turning into a vicious circle of enjoying the pain. Why are we suffering in this way? Especially when alone because we’ve been taught to suffer alone while relishing the pain. Let me prove it.

When your heart is broken, you find a place to stay alone and listen to heartbreaking songs whenever you get a chance. That’s how you’re savoring the pain. This is how this world teaching us how to suffer than how to move on.

I don’t think we’ll be able to stop it forever unless we become spiritual figures in this universe. All religious leaders have conquered this with their mental power. Some religious leaders have already predicted the universe’s birth and demise, as well as the process that occurs during the life cycle.

We live in a physically obsessed world. As a result, let us attempt to regain control of this emotional and physical imbalance. Following four things will help you to maintain your own control.

Those who are always engrossed in their own thoughts and emotions, whether on social media or elsewhere. Do this exercise. Simply put your phones down and go for a walk. Spend at least one month alone in nature. Take in the scenery around you. So Put your phone on charge and go for a walk close to the nature to recharge your body.

You always take life seriously because it is the only thing that has an end, and we never know when that end will come.

If you pay attention to nature, you are naturally interconnecting with the universe. Then you have a clear vision of your ability self-reflecting back to you.

This is how you can control you.

Build your body’s strength. You will feel at ease if you have a strong body. Eat a proper diet to improve your mental agility and stability.

If you maintain a strong mind, you know how to make good use of your powerful mind, especially when making decisions .Try some mindfulness techniques to calm down your mind.

You will act twice as much as you are capable of if you have strong emotions. Those should be good feelings. The stronger the positive emotions, the more quickly a positive outcome will be attracted. That is why I advise you to practice law of attraction techniques by connecting to the universe.

If you have strong, stable energy within you, your physiological and psychological health will be well balanced.

Engage in an activity, such as a sport, to convert your emotional and physical energy and recover from your emotional and mental imbalance.

Sports are the best way to increase your energy levels. Athletes act in this manner. How pumped they are. When you participate in sports, you burn calories and help your metabolic system by relaxing your body and mind with happy emotional feelings.

To summarize, it all starts with one thing: balancing your body, mind, emotions, and energy level. To summarize, it all begins with balancing your body, mind, emotions, and energy level and also participating in any sport as a hobby will assist you in finding a way to balance your life.



Prasangi Kapuduwa

My thoughts & experiences meet theories. Meditation Practitioner & an Independent Counseling Psychology Researcher.