Making Money is Easy if you Do this.

Prasangi Kapuduwa
3 min readApr 13, 2022

Am I aware of the reasons for my unhappiness in the life? Am I satisfied with my life even after everything has happened as I expected? We all know that the life does not go always as planned.

First and foremost, we need to find out,

“What I can do in this life?

What can be the greatest thing that I can do in my life?”

We are nothing today if we do not have money. Money teases us in front of our eyes, demonstrating how much we may enjoy our lives if we invest some money in this or that. As a result, we follow the footsteps of the others. Everywhere we look, people are instructing us on how to transform into someone else. After a while, we couldn’t figure out “who I was?”

Making money is a creation or discovery of fresh ideas. Your mind generates ideas and then you accomplish them with the support of your entire body. It’s perfect match of mind and body.

I’m going to discuss the two important requirements for manifesting anything in your life.

Do not create doubt thought process.

“Is this is possible or not or is this happening or not?

Think you are manifesting your life partner and marriage. Once it happened are you happy with it?

Can you keep the same level of happiness? You will say, not possible. But why?

Because this is the reality of the desire. Desires never go away. Desires are thoughts. Thoughts never stops until you die. This indicates the strength of your thought process. This strength is called “vibrations”. The vibrations are different frequencies. Whether it is positive or negative you attract the same vibrations of what you feel.

So figure out what you really want in this life. If you aren’t clear about what you want, you will undoubtedly attract what you don’t want.

Organize your inner body to a certain direction.

If you generate a powerful thought and let it out, it will always starts to manifest on its own. This is the key to understanding the law of attraction.

The law of attraction is not a belief system or a form of magic. It’s a connection between you and the nature. Your dedication for your desire helps to organize your inner body in a specific direction.

By organizing a healthy body you creates pleasant good feelings adding and love and affection to your emotions by supplying an incredible amount of energy to your entire body system. This is what happens when you follow a certain pattern.

That is why, for the past 20 months, I have been manifesting my goals first thing in the morning and before going to bed in order to train my inner self to be prepared for any future scenario.

So, if you truly want to become wealthy in both money and life, be honest with yourself and put things into practice.

Remember that if you fail a hundred times, you are learning a hundred lessons. This is the way things are. If you think in a positive and strong way, your inner body will fall into line, and your manifesting vibrations will easily flow in the direction you desire.



Prasangi Kapuduwa

My thoughts & experiences meet theories. Meditation Practitioner & an Independent Counseling Psychology Researcher.