How to Navigate Tough Times? You Have 4 Options.

Prasangi Kapuduwa
3 min readDec 6, 2023

Getting back to normal life after tough situations like a breakup, separation, divorce, or financial crisis is hard. If you’re wondering what comes next, you’re in the right place.

If you’re still thinking about yesterday, remind yourself it’s over. You can start again at anytime from anywhere.

I’m here to show you 4 options. you can pick the best option for you. It’s a green light in your life.

Each choice helps you heal, grow, and make tomorrow brighter, even in tough times. I learned these lessons from my counselling studies and gained ideas from my real-life experiences.

These are particularly useful when you are stuck in a

“Should I live with this or should I move ” type of dilemma.

Option 1 — Leave the situation

Sometimes, it’s hard to walk away from tough situations. But if you can choose, think about how your life might be better if you stayed or if you left.

Picture what your life might be like in 10 years if you stayed feeling sad about your difficult situation , and how it could change if you moved on.

Think about both and decide what you really need.

Option 2 — Stay, and change what can be changed.

If you choose to stay in the tough situation, try to find ways to make it better.

Focus on things you can control instead of leaving.

For an example, if your relationship is hard, try doing things that can make it healthier and stronger.

Option 3 — Stay, and accept what can’t be changed.

If you have decided to stay and have done everything to make things better, then accept what cannot be changed.

Try to stay focused and not let bad feelings take over. Stick to your important values and goals.

For an example , we can’t change things like how others act or how the economy affects us. But finding a common ground can make things easier and bring hope for what comes next.

Option 4 — Stay, and rely on (unhelpful) coping strategies.

After life’s failures, some people remain stuck in the pain. It’s tough them to move on. So they don’t try to fix things or accept it. Staying upset can make them feel worried, sad, down, or angry, and that can affect their body and mind.

They might turn to drugs, food, or seek intimacy to feel better, but these choices can make things worse in the long run, even if that’s what they choose. It’s like someone’s growth has stopped, and they’re acting without thinking.

When things get tough, remember, there’s always a way through.

Each choice you make can bring growth and healing, lighting up your path ahead.

Embrace your power to decide what comes next.

Tomorrow’s a chance for a brighter day. You’re in charge of your story and keep moving forward with hope!



Prasangi Kapuduwa

My thoughts & experiences meet theories. Meditation Practitioner & an Independent Counseling Psychology Researcher.