Depression? Who Did This To You? Use Pillow technique

Prasangi Kapuduwa
4 min readOct 18, 2023

Beat Depression Through Comfort and Strength.

Depression feels like something heavy moving around inside you. It’s like a massive stone pressing down on your head, making your mind and body feel confused. It’s like being lost with no direction, wondering why you’re going through this. You feel tired all the time, your heart feels heavy, and your body doesn’t feel right. You’re unable to sit up, stay still, sleep, walk, or even eat.

Why is this happening? Who did this to you?

It’s not because of others; it’s because of you. Your own struggles have led you here. You are not strong enough to cope up with other people’s words, attitudes, challenges, and unexpected life events. This is the reason.

In short, you are feeling depressed because your life isn’t going the way you expected.

But here’s the truth. you have the power to change it all, starting from within.

The Life is all about unpredictable events. You cannot always control. Instead of seeking answers to every question around you, first learn to let go of some of the rubbish things and clear your head.

“Embrace rejection as a blessing and a redirection towards something better. Sounds easy, right? But we all know action is not that easy. My point is, if you can easily embrace and endure sufferings, why don’t you give it a try to get out of your current situation?

Do you think anyone can take your hand and lead you across the bridge? No, nobody does in this rat race. Nobody cares about whether you hurt from their words and actions or not. People run as fast as they can to fulfill their own dreams. If someone rejects you, have mercy on them because they have their own dreams that you might not know about. It might not align with yours, so they quit. Let them reach whatever they like.

Now you are free to think of yourself. Yes, you feel hurt. I know. But you don’t have time to stop and worry for the rest of your life. Look at you. look at your face. Go and wash your face or have a good shower, eat something and have little nap. Stand in front of the mirror and show some respect to you. Get dressed in something you like and go for a walk. These things will help lift your spirits back. Give it a go and see how you feel.

Remember, your worth isn’t determined by what you lose. Always believe that you deserve more. That’s what I thought when life’s challenges were calling me. I was right. I have what I deserved now.

It will take few days to be back to normal if you are under too much pressure. So, when the weight of depression feels unbearable, write it all down in vivid detail. Every pain, every emotion onto paper. Then, trash it. Don’t carry that burden with you anymore.

When you start feeling a bit relaxed, that’s when the Pillow Technique can really help.

Your pillow, a silent witness to your struggles, can become a source of strength. Take a plain sheet of paper and using your favorite colored pen write positive affirmations such as;

“I deserve more. I am strong. I am powerful.” The Universe is guiding me” write Anything you wish to fulfill immediately. Our aim is to release the weight from your entire body. These words looks simple but carry immense power.

Fold the paper and tuck it inside your pillowcase. Read these affirmations every night before you sleep and every morning when you wake up.

Let these words flow into your subconscious to reinforcing your inner strength. Give your fullest commit to this practice for seven days, then extend it to 21 days. During this time, observe more, speak less, and find solace in silence. You’ll find a real transformation in your body, in your emotions, in your thoughts and yes in whole system. I have tried these solutions myself. That is why I am recommending them to you.

Some people might consider this foolish. But there is no harm in believing and giving it a try.

In Buddha’s philosophy, it is said, “Ehi Passiko” in Pali language, which means: Come and See for Yourself.

The journey to healing begins within you. Trust in your strength, believe in your worth, and let the Pillow Technique guide you towards a brighter, more empowered tomorrow.



Prasangi Kapuduwa

My thoughts & experiences meet theories. Meditation Practitioner & an Independent Counseling Psychology Researcher.